मेरा भारत NEWS

The role of the press in the political polarization


Introduction :

Today I am going to talk about the role of press and media in our political polarization it’s crystal clear for us press play the important role in political polarization from ancient time.

It’s the main source for all political parties to share their view , decisions and discussion with public. As we know all India is sovereign country and press help the public to show what’s actually going on in our country and shows the merits and demerits of all political  parties.

History of press :

From the beginning the News paper was the first source which give the information about political parties which candidate who stand in voting for political position to show his background .

It’s change by time to time with the help of advance technology and development . From last three decades its change like lamp lighter. Now days Press use the various type of sources which available on social media .

Role of press :

It was recommended that in order to address the polarization of the press owners and operators of mass media, irrespective of their ethnic geographical and political difference must create an avenue where they could rub minds with one another so as to eradicate the misconception held against each other. And that the press and government relationship must improve hence seeing other as partners in progress.

Function of press :

  • Servicing the political system by providing information discussions and debate on public affairs.
  • Servicing the economic system, primarily by bringing together the buyers and sellers of good and services through the medium of advertising.
  •  Enlightening the public so as to make it capable of self-government.
  • Safe – guarding the rights of the individuals by serving as a watchdog against government

Polarization :

According to the Advance learners Dictionary of Current English, polarization means to divide into groups based on two or more opposite principle, political opinions.

Press play the main role to express the view of political parties and show their all action with advantages and disadvantages for the public.

In India there are various political parties , Hence the two or three are always in highlight position from long time.


The Advance Learners Dictionary defines it as an organization for collecting News and supplying it to newspaper. The term PRESS will be used to mean various newspaper organizations in the country.

  • Banner advertisement
  • Newspaper
  • News TV Channel
  • Social Media : web channel  Instagram , Twitter , Facebook and You tube channel

    As per above all sources used by press to publishing  for news.


Development means process of development or being developed or a new stage, which is the result of development. However in this project, development would betaken to mean all spheres of human development vies: political economic, social and physical economic, social and physical infrastructure that would enhance the well show by the press to public.

Press highlight the all points used by the political parties which used to economic growth plus social changes in the country .


  • Press and media first duty to support the Public for show their issues in daily life for whole community despite the promotion the political parties.
  • To show the reality inside and outside of Parliament.
  • Press is source for the Public to raise the voice against the corruption not to support the political parties.
  • The press in a given polity is the life line as communication is the oxygen of all political relationship
  • To help the Public to choice the right candidate for vote.
  • The media equally helps to spread ideas, knowledge and views.


Press play the important role in the  Political Polarization it’s the only source which help the public to know what’s the strategy of any party for any city , state or country for various matters related to daily life problems.

The job of  media is to give the voice to the public, to raise the voice of the Public and help it reach the government instead of raise their voice for the government and brain wash the public.

Thanks & Regards : Sonu Arora